Second Conditional

Dear all,

This is the link that will help you to understand the second conditional.

Click here

Combine the sentences in each item into one sentence. Use the second conditional.

1. I have homework. I can't go to the movies tonight. _______________________________________________________________________
2.  I don't have a lot of money. I can't buy a home by the beach. _______________________________________________________________________
3.  He has to work tonight. He can't go to the movies. _______________________________________________________________________
4.  She doesn't have a work permit. She can't get a job here. _______________________________________________________________________
5.  I'm not a bird. I can't fly. 

6.  She doesn’t have enough money. She can’t go on vacation. _______________________________________________________________________
7.  Molly can’t act. She can’t be in the school play. _______________________________________________________________________
8.  Stevie is shy. He won’t call up any of his classmates. _______________________________________________________________________
9.  Chicago is cold in the spring. People don’t go swimming. _______________________________________________________________________
10.  I don’t have Katya’s phone number. I can’t call her. _______________________________________________________________________
11.   I can’t bake. I don’t make delicious cakes and pies. 

12.  He doesn't speak the language. He doesn't feel comfortable. _______________________________________________________________________
13.  I have to take the test. I'm nervous. _______________________________________________________________________
14.  My parents are not here. They can't help me with my homework. _______________________________________________________________________
15.  I am not rich. I can't travel around the world. _______________________________________________________________________
16.  I don’t have Katya’s email. I can’t write her. _______________________________________________________________________

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